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Home Liver Cancer

Liver Cancer

Liver Cancer is most common cancers, Primary liver cancer when cancer occurs in the cells of the liver. Metastatic liver cancer is that when cancer from other organs like as colon, lung and breast spreads to liver.

This cancer that first develops in any more part of the body spreads to the liver.

Type of cells affected on primary liver cancer

Hepatoblastoma – This the rare type of liver cancer which max affecting young children.

Hepatocellular – Hepatocytes is where carcinoma starts in the liver cells.

Cholangiocarcinoma – This kind start in the bile ducts.

Hemangiosarcoma – It’s also a rare cancer arising from the liver blood vessels.

Here discuss with Metastatic liver cancer which spreads to the liver from the:

  • Breast
  • Stomach
  • Lung
  • Intestine
  • Uterus
  • Pancreas


Here are the Stages of Liver Cancer:

The stages of the liver cancer are divided on the basis of metastasis. There are different rules to define different stages, according to the symptoms and level of metastasis.

First Stage (Liver Cancer): The particular major tumor (any size) has not grown into any blood vessels. The cancer has not extended to nearby lymph nodes or distant sites.

Second Stage (Liver Cancer): A particular major tumor (any size) has grown into the blood vessels, or several small tumors are present, all less than five centimeters (two inches) in diameter. The cancer has not extended to nearby lymph nodes or distant sites.

Third Stage (Liver Cancer): Numerous tumors have been found, and there at least one is tumor larger than five centimeters. The cancer has not increase to nearby lymph nodes or distant sites.

Then the tumor is growing into a branch of the entry vein or the hepatic vein. The liver cancer has not increase to nearby lymph nodes or distant sites.

Then again the tumor grows into a nearby organ (gallbladder), or the tumor has grown into the external covering of the liver. The cancer has not increase to nearby lymph nodes or distant sites.

Forth Stage (Liver Cancer): The Liver cancer has increased to nearby lymph nodes and possibly will have grown into nearby blood vessels or organs. In advanced part does not repeatedly metastasize (distant organs)

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Symptoms of Liver Cancer may not show up in the beginning periods of Liver disease, yet a tumor can begin to affect how an individual feels as it develops.

In early stages of liver cancer, most patients may not have any specific symptoms. When symptoms materialize, they may include some or all of the following:

  • Soreness close the right shoulder blade or in the back
  • Swollen abdomen
  • White, chalky stoolsLoss of appetite and weight
  • Abdominal pain on the right side of your tummy which may extend to your back and shoulder

• Nausea and vomiting
• General weakness and fatigue
• Abdominal swelling with a mass or fluid.
• Yellowish discoloration of the skin and whites of your eyes

[vc_text_separator title=”Causes of Liver Cancer:” align=”align_left” color=”pink” style=”dotted” border_width=”3″ css_animation=”bounceInLeft”]

Like other types of cancer, the accurate cause of liver cancer isn’t easy to determine. In many cases, multiple factors may be involved, including genetics and exposure to environmental toxins, like certain chemicals or radiation.


There are many reason of Liver Cancer:

    • Smoking
    • This is the only confirmed lifestyle related risk factor for prostate cancer. Smoking is commonly known for causing lung cancer or mouth cancer, however, it also affect the cells that indirectly come in contact with smoke, like blood cells.
    • Hepatisis B and C
    • Hepatitis B virus is common risk cause for liver cancer is chronic infection. 25% to 40% lifetime risk is infected with hepatitis B of developing liver cancer.Causing chronic and acute infections that can central to liver cirrhosis.
[vc_text_separator title=”Risk factors for Liver Cancer:” align=”align_left” color=”pink” style=”dotted” border_width=”3″ css_animation=”bounceInLeft”]

Its does not know exactly why prostate cancer occurs, but the following risk factors may make it more possible:

Family history: If a male has a close relative with a history of prostate cancer, they have a higher chance of developing it themselves.

Age: The risk increases after the age of 50, but it is rare before the age of 45.

Genetic factors: Inherited features, including changes to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, may increase the risk. Mutations in these genes increase the chance of breast cancer in females, too. Men born with Lynch syndrome also have a higher risk of prostate and other cancers.

Race or ethnicity: It is more common in black males than white, ales. Asian and Hispanic males have a lower risk than black males or white males.

[vc_text_separator title=”Prevention of Liver Cancer:” align=”align_left” color=”pink” style=”dotted” border_width=”3″ css_animation=”bounceInLeft”]


No guaranteed way to prevent Liver cancer but can control with healthy life style. However, some preventive measures include:

Natural prevention:

You can lower the risk for developing liver cancer by maintaining a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise, controlling your weight, and eating a healthy diet. It is also important to avoid infection with the hepatitis B and C viruses.

Whole grains food, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice and rich in fiber foods are good for liver health. Colorful fruits and green vegetables like Cauliflower, bitter root which are rich in antioxidants that can help your body to fight liver cancer.

Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil, which can help your body absorb essential nutrients and antioxidants are helpful to prevent the liver cancer.

Regular consumption of herbs like Ashwagandha, green tea, basil leaf; healthy masalas like ginger, cloves and few super healthy seeds like chia seeds and Basil Seeds are tremendously helpful to reduce the risk of liver cancer.

Lifestyle and other important factors that plays important role in liver cancer prevention:

  • limiting the intake of saturated fats and red meat
  • Avoid drinking
  • Quit smoking
  • Keeping the weight under control and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Regular physical exercise is equally important.
  • You must limit the intake of sweet dishes and Sugar.
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