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Home Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in males. Nearly 100% of local or regional men prostate cancer will survive more than five years after identification.

Nearly 100% of local or regional men prostate cancer will survive more than five years after identification. Gleason score to the disease based upon its microscopic appearance. Prostate Cancer with a higher Gleason score is more hostile.

Grades of Prostate cancer

Status 1: The cancerous prostate strongly resembles normal prostate tissues. The glands are small, well-formed and personally packed.

Status 2: The tissue still has well-formed glands, but they are larger and have more tissue between them.

Status 3: The tissue still has familiar glands, but the cells are darker. At high enlargement, some of the cells have left the glands and are beginning to invade nearby tissue.

Status 4: The tissue has few familiar glands. Many cells are invading the close tissue.

Status 5: The tissue does not have recognizable glands. There are often just sheets of cells during the close tissue.

Here are the Stages of Prostate Cancer:

The stages of the blood cancer are divided on the basis of metastasis. There are different rules to define different stages, according to the symptoms and level of metastasis.

Stage 1: In First Stage, Prostate cancer is confined to the prostate.It is generally likely to be slow growing. Cancerous cells, but the tumor is small and only affects one spot. A tumor will not reveal on a digital rectal exam (DRE) or ultrasound.

Stage 2: In 2nd Stage, cancer may be detected during a digital rectal test. The disease is still confined to the prostate, but the cells may be abnormal and may grow faster. Medical tests may not discover a tumor, though as this stage advances. The PSA score is between 10–20. An early stage 2 tumor is grade 1, rising to 3 in the later phases of stage 2. The Gleason score is 6, rising to 7 or 8.

Stage 3: At 3rd stage of prostate cancer, the cancer is in tissues close to the prostate. It also may have reached the seminal vesicles. PSA can be any value but may be 20 or more. The grade group is 1–4 at first, and as high as 9–10 at the end of stage 3.

Stage 4: Stage 4th prostate cancer means that cancer has invaded other parts of the body, such as the rectum, nearby lymph nodes or bone. It may have spread to distant organs, such as the bones and liver. The status/grade group, Gleason score, and PSA levels can be any number.

[vc_text_separator title=”Symptoms of Prostate Cancer:” align=”align_left” color=”pink” style=”dotted” border_width=”3″ css_animation=”bounceInLeft”]

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer may not show up in the beginning periods of prostate disease, yet a tumor can begin to affect how an individual feels as it develops.

  •     Pain or burning during urination, which is much less common
  •     Frequent urination
  •     Weak or interrupted urine flow or the need to strain to empty the bladder
  •     The urge to urinate frequently at night
  •     Discomfort or pain when sitting, caused by an enlarged prostate
  •     Blood in the urine
  •     Blood in the seminal fluid
  •     Fatigue
  •     New onset of erectile dysfunction
  •     Pain in the back, hips, thighs, shoulders, or other bones
  •     Swelling or fluid buildup in the legs or feet
  •     Change in bowel habits
  •     Unexplained weight loss
[vc_text_separator title=”Causes of Prostate Cancer:” align=”align_left” color=”pink” style=”dotted” border_width=”3″ css_animation=”bounceInLeft”]

Like other types of cancer, the accurate cause of prostate cancer isn’t easy to determine. At last, mutations in your DNA, or genetic material, lead to the growth of cancerous cells. In many cases, multiple factors may be involved, including genetics and exposure to environmental toxins, like certain chemicals or radiation.

Abnormal or cancerous cells continue to produce and divide until a tumor develops. If you have an aggressive type of prostate cancer, the cells may metastasize, or leave the original tumor site and spread to other parts of your body.

There are many reason of Prostate Cancer:

    • Smoking

      This is the only confirmed lifestyle related risk factor for prostate cancer. Smoking is commonly known for causing lung cancer or mouth cancer, however, it also affect the cells that indirectly come in contact with smoke, like blood cells.

    • Exposure to chemicals, such as the herbicide Agent Orange

      Exposure to chemicals like benzene. Benzene is used in the rubber industry, oil refineries, chemical plants, shoe manufacturing, and gasoline-related industries.

    • Inflammation of the prostate

Prostatitis often causes painful or complicated urination. It can generally be treated with antibiotics if prostatitis is caused by a bacterial infection.

    • Sexually Transmitted Infections

Infection and subsequent irritation may be an important risk factor in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer. though prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer morbidity and mortality in men, few risk factors for prostate cancer have been established.

  • Vasectomy Doesn’t appear to increase your risk

    The vasectomy’s request remains limited because the procedure is often permanent and offers no protection against sexually transmitted prostate cancer.

[vc_text_separator title=”Risk factors for Prostrate Cancer:” align=”align_left” color=”pink” style=”dotted” border_width=”3″ css_animation=”bounceInLeft”]

Its does not know exactly why prostate cancer occurs, but the following risk factors may make it more possible:

Family history: If a male has a close relative with a history of prostate cancer, they have a higher chance of developing it themselves.

Age: The risk increases after the age of 50, but it is rare before the age of 45.

Genetic factors: Inherited features, including changes to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, may increase the risk. Mutations in these genes increase the chance of breast cancer in females, too. Men born with Lynch syndrome also have a higher risk of prostate and other cancers.

Race or ethnicity: It is more common in black males than white, ales. Asian and Hispanic males have a lower risk than black males or white males.

[vc_text_separator title=”Prevention of Prostate Cancer:” align=”align_left” color=”pink” style=”dotted” border_width=”3″ css_animation=”bounceInLeft”]


No guaranteed way to prevent prostate cancer but can control with healthy life style and healthy foods. However, some preventive measures include:

Natural prevention:

There are few evidences that choosing a healthy diet that is low in fat and full of fruits and vegetables may contribute to a lower risk of prostate cancer. Also, maintaining a healthful weight, exercising, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Foods that contain fiber, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and omega-3 fatty acid can reduce the risk of Prostate Cancer. There are many foods at our near stores that may contain anti cancerous properties and help reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

Such as: various types of green vegetables and herbs like chives, red beetroot, Mushroom, Pumpkin, Cauliflower, Bitter Gourd, Spinach, Broccoli, Cabbage, Capsicum/Bell pepper etc. help in the prevention of prostate cancer.

Few healthy seeds and nuts have the anti-cancerous property that help in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Such as: walnuts, peanuts, flax seeds, soybeans, Basil Seeds, chia seeds, etc.

Few special kind of herbs and masala like ginger, green tea, raw turmeric, Ashwagandha has many positive impacts in prostate cancer prevention.

Fruits like Pomelo fruit, Papaya, Guava, Ambarella fruit, avocado has also positive impact in prostate cancer prevention.


Physical Exercise:

Studies have shown that exercise and prostate cancer risk have mostly shown that men who exercise may have a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Regular exercise can help you  to maintain a healthy weight. Benefits of exercise include increased muscle mass and better metabolism. Try:

  • walking
  • running
  • bicycling
  • swimming
[vc_text_separator title=”What to avoid?” color=”pink”]

Some compounds in foods may boost a person’s risk of developing prostate cancer.

Consider avoiding the following:

Quit smoking:

Prostate cancer patients who smoke are more likely to have a recurrence of the disease. Smokers also have a higher risk of dying from prostate cancer.

Grilled or fried meats

When a person cooks muscle meat, including beef, pork, and poultry, at high temperatures, the meat may form chemicals.

Sugar and carbohydrates

Some studies have suggested that a diet with a high glycemic load may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Relationship between sugar and cancer remains complex, sugar may have the highest impact on the risk of prostate, colorectal and pancreatic cancers.


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